US, 2022, 85 min, English subtitles
Regie: Ivey Camille Manybeads Tso
30. Mai
Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum
Paulustorgasse 13a, 1. Stock
with director Ivey Camille Manybeads Tso (via Videostream)
Inrico - Indigenous Rights Collective, Südwind
Young Navajo filmmaker Ivey Camille Manybeads Tso investigates the displacement of her ancestors and the devastation of the land where she was born by major chemical and mining companies.
Traveling to Colombia, the Philippines and Mexico, as well as to the protests at Standing Rock, she comes across like-minded Indigenous womxn who battle life-threatening stakes to preserve their culture, their home, and our Earth to avoid looming catastrophe.
“Powerlands asks those of us who aren´t at the immediate sharp end to see, and to connect” - CounterSpin
“A powerhouse experience” - Broadway World
*** Rigoberta Menchú Grand Prize, Best Feature American Documentary & Animation Film Festival, Best Director/Inspiration Award Fist Up Film Festival ***